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Welcome to TReNDS

- a research project on Transport and Reduction of Nitrate in Danish landscapes at various Scales

Nitrate leaching from agricultural areas is one of the major water resources management problems in Denmark. Prompted by the Danish Commission on Nature and Agriculture new regulation strategies are currently being developed in Denmark based on spatially differentiated N-regulation, where higher N-applications can be allowed in areas with high natural reduction of nitrate in the groundwater and riparian zones. This approach is novel and will have large socio-economic impact. Optimal utilization of the natural variation in nitrate reduction, however, requires knowledge on small-scale nitrate removal, which is currently not existing and difficult to estimate with adequate certainty due to fundamental knowledge gaps related to the effect of drainage, the subsurface geochemistry and N-removal in riparian lowlands.

The TReNDS project started 1 January 2015 and runs for four years until the end of 2018. Eight research groups (including one Canadian, one Australian, and two from the US), a Danish consulting company and two Danish SMEs as well as two Danish public authorities are involved in the project that is partly funded by the Danish fund 'Innovationsfonden '

Project coordinator: Anker Lajer Højberg, GEUS               *                                                                       


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Last modified : 20. Feb 2018
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