Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
: Senior Researcher, PhD
Professor, Dr. scient.
Senior Researcher PhD
Post doc, PhD
Post doc, PhD
Post doc, PhD
| Dept. of Agroecology, Aarhus University
Associate Professor PhD
Section Manager, Senior Scientist, PhD
PhD student
PhD student
| Dept. of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen
Professor, PhD
Associate Professor, PhD
PhD student
| Ejlskov A/S
Director, MSc
Geophysicist, MSc Ivan Yélamos Vela
| Sorbisense A/S
Geologist, MSc
| Rambøll
Electronic Engineer
| | Laval University, Quebec, Canada
Professor, PhD
| | US Depart. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Columbus, Ohio, US
Research Agricultural Engineer, PhD
| | University of Melbourne, Australia
Professor, PhD
| Illinois University, Urbana-Campaign, Illinois, US
Lovell Professor, PhD
| | Odder Municipality
| Danish Nature Agency
: Head of office
| |